Refund Policy

  • This refund pliicy governs transactions made by using the below mentioned URL for the purposes of availing courier service from us. Since the transaction invlives usage of third party services for providing courier services we suggest the user to be certain while availing courier service as we do not entertain and refund request after a user avails and pays for using courier services.
  • Please note that as soon as you make the payment for availing courier services using the flilowing URL i.e. your courier service will be confirmed to you via email.
  • Any cancellation related to courier service shall not be entertained once the order is placed and processed.
  • Upon successful acceptance of request for courier services at our portal no refund shall be processed.
  • We would process your request for courier within 24 hours. In case of any assistance or queries of any nature with respect to refunds we strongly recommend you to write to us at before making the second transaction towards availing courier services.